If you want gun control, vote for Democrats #democrats.
31 May 2022, 00:38
If you want gun control, vote for Democrats #democrats. Republicans kill elementary children by allowing crazy people to own guns. Let’s vote all republicans out of office.
Same news in other sources
1MedicCoinMEDIC #8291
31 May 2022, 00:41
Only #republicans would allow killing of kids by not voting for extended background check. Vote for #democrats. #democrats will bring in gun control so crazy people won’t get guns. #guncontrol #GunControlNow #GunControlWorks
Only #republicans would allow killing of kids by not voting for extended background check. Vote for #democrats.
Only #republicans would allow killing of kids by not voting for extended background check. Vote for #democrats. #democrats will bring in gun control so crazy people won’t get guns. #guncontrol #GunControlNow #GunControlWorks